Full Details - IAT Student Awards and Fellows Lunch
Date Friday 20 October 2023
Title IAT Student Awards and Fellows Lunch
Venue IET - Riverside Room
Location 2 Savoy Place, London, WC2R 0BL
Map Map (opens in new window)
Time 12:00 noon - 4:30pm
Contact IAT Head Office (info@instituteofasphalt.org or 0131 3333 953)
Book Now Click here to book online
More details Fellows and Honorary Fellows of the Institute are invited to book their places at this year's Fellows Lunch and Student Awards in what also provides an opportunity to continue our network of friends and colleagues.

In partnership with The Institute of Quarrying (IQ), the lunch will be hosted this year on Friday the 20th of October 2023.

Following the success of last year, the event returns to the prestigious Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) building, Savoy Place in London.

The state-of-the-art venue offers stunning views of the River Thames and boasts a rich history, being the home of the IET since 1909.

It will also allow us to celebrate and present our annual awards to the asphalt students from the University of Derby, and at the same time, support and encourage the prize winners to maintain their contact with the Institute.

Kindly sponsored by FM Conway.