Full Details - Durable Enhanced Asphalt for the M25
Date Monday 30 January 2023
Title Durable Enhanced Asphalt for the M25
Speaker Ian Carswell (ATKINS)
Venue The Square Pig
Location 30-32 Procter Street, Holborn, London, WC1V 6NX
Map Map (opens in new window)
Time 18:30 (Food at 19:30)
Contact Herbert Micallef (herbert@metisconsultants.co.uk or 07850715875)
Register Registrations are now closed for this event.
More details The drive for lower whole life cost and carbon solutions can be delivered through increased service lives. The new surface course specification is designed to increase service lives in the most heavily trafficked lanes from 9-12 years currently being achieved with Cl.#942 up to 16-20 years with DEA.

The presentation will cover:

The development of a new surface course specification for the M25 and collaboration across the M25 Community.
The assessment / approval process and materials development
The installation and performance of trials on the Network
Benefits including whole life cost and carbon savings; and
Strategy being applied for future annual maintenance programmes