Full Details - Utilizing High-RAP Mixes to Help Meet Sustainability Goals
Date Monday 29 April 2024
Title Utilizing High-RAP Mixes to Help Meet Sustainability Goals
Speaker Dr. Krishna Srinivasan (Sripath Technologies LLC)
Event Type Online - using Zoom
Time 13:00-14:00
Contact IAT Head Office (info@instituteofasphalt.org or 0131 3333 953)
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More details There is potential to reduce carbon emissions by increasing the amount of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) used in an asphalt mix. This presentation provides a practical guide on how to effectively incorporate high levels of RAP into a asphalt mix plant.

Typically, high-RAP mixes are dosed with an effective rejuvenator to help restore the functional properties of the aged RAP bitumen, make the RAP bitumen available as a binder, and reduce the need for virgin bitumen. The overall carbon footprint is reduced by utilizing high levels of RAP, dosing with a bio-based rejuvenator, and reducing the need for virgin bitumen.

The presentation highlights case studies from around the globe, demonstrating the use of high-RAP mixes dosed with ReLIXER to deliver excellent roadway performance, reduce mix cost, and help meet sustainability goals.
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