Full Details - Cold Recycling on Highways
Date Monday 17 October 2022
Title Cold Recycling on Highways
Speaker Alan Anderson (Colas Ireland)
Join Meeting with CIHT
Venue David Keir Building, Queens University
Location Stranmillis Road, Belfast
Time 6.00 pm
Contact Lyle Andrew (lyle.andrew@btinternet.com or 07789 757187)
Register Registrations are now closed for this event.
More details The topic will cover the use of cold in-situ recycling on the Irish road network, Cold in-situ recycling is a process which mills or pulverizes the existing road pavement layer, it is then stabilised with a bituminous binder at its optimum moisture content, before being re-laid and compacted to form a new pavement layer.

A brief explanation of an ongoing study on the use of Recycled Asphalt Plainings (RAP) used in cold mix asphalt will also be presented.

Finally, an overview of the potential carbon savings that can be achieved when compared with conventional methods.