Full Details - Developments in Warm Mix Asphalt
Date Thursday 7 October 2021
Title Developments in Warm Mix Asphalt
Speaker Dr Ruth Mitchell And Alan Kavanagh
Join Meeting with CIHT
Venue Corrs Corner Hotel
Location 315 Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4TQ
Map Map (opens in new window)
Time 6.00 pm
Contact Lyle Andrew (lyle.andrew@btinternet.com or 07789 757187)
Register Registrations are now closed for this event.
More details With UK's National Highways recently announcing
increase in the use of Warm Mix Asphalt, Ruth and
Alan will present on the technology of WMA and its
practical application in NI and Ireland.
Warm Mix Asphalt is typically mixed and laid at least
20 degrees C lower than conventional Hot Mix
Asphalt, reducing fuel consumption and fume
emissions during manufacture and laying.
Ruth's research focused on laboratory study of four
WMA proprietary additives i.e. CWM, Advera,
Rediset LQ and a long chain hydrocarbon wax. This
presentation focuses on the laboratory testing
undertaken included Compactibility, ITSM Stiffness,
Dragged Ravelling Test and Binder Drainage as well
as the selection process focusing on the climatic
conditions of Northern Ireland.

To reduce the carbon footprint of the pavement
construction/maintenance industry, switching to
warm-mix asphalt instead of hot-mix asphalt, is
probably the easiest transition. By adding an
additive into the bitumen, mixing temperatures at
the mixing plant can be reduced greatly.

Warm-mix asphalt has been used in every
bituminous layer of the pavement from base to
surface course, including mixes that contain high
percentages of RAP, and under all traffic levels.

In his presentation to on warm-mix asphalt, Alan
Kavanagh, Technical Manager of the Colas Ireland
Group will discuss the following:
• Warm-mix asphalt – the various technologies
• The drivers for its use;
• The technical benefits of warm-mix asphalt;
• The environmental benefits; and
• A description of a case-study in Dublin.