Full Details - National Asphalt Research Consortium (NARC) Presentation
Date Tuesday 19 January 2021
Title National Asphalt Research Consortium (NARC) Presentation
Speaker Prof Gordon Airey + More (NARC)
Event Type Online - using Teams
Time 12:00 to 13:00
Contact IAT Head Office (info@instituteofasphalt.org or 0131 3333 953)
Register Registrations are now closed for this event.
More details 1. NARC - what it is and how it works and how the session will progress.

2. University Capabilities.
- Aston
- East London
- Nottingham
- Ulster

3. NARC Research project 2019 - 2020.

4. A Members view of NARC.

5. Questions/Close.