Full Details - Bitumen Properties for Performance
Date Tuesday 22 September 2020
Title Bitumen Properties for Performance
Speaker Geoffrey M. Rowe (Abatech Inc.)
Event Type Online - using Teams
Time 12:00 to 13:00 (London time)
Contact IAT Head Office (info@instituteofasphalt.org or 0131 3333 953)
Register Registrations are now closed for this event.
More details How has the manufacture of bitumen changed in the past 120-years, and what about traffic levels? We recognize that these have changed! But what about bitumen testing – PEN and Softening point as test methods were in specifications 120-years ago! Are we stuck in the past? In the last 30-years a tremendous volume of work has been conducted with asphalt binder/PmBs and bitumen rheology. The understanding of our favorite road surfacing materials has expanded largely. This presentation by Dr. Geoffrey Rowe, will explore the changes that have occurred with the advanced characterization of bituminous binders in the USA, UK and other places. He will comment on how the UK has used rheology with asphalt binders and make suggestions for what we could conceive in the future.