Full Details - RN44 Best Practice Guide for the Selection of Pothole Repair Options
Date Wednesday 21 September 2016
Title RN44 Best Practice Guide for the Selection of Pothole Repair Options
Speaker Michael McHale (TRL)
Venue The Red House
Location Marsh Benham, Near Newbury, RG20 8LY
Map Map (opens in new window)
Time 18:00
Contact Keith Goodwin (keith.goodwin@qsrmc.co.uk or 07841 780683)
Register Registrations are now closed for this event.
More details Food served from about 1800 to 1845, tea and coffee available.
Michael's presentation will describe a study to develop a consistent approach (RN44) to selecting a pothole repair material or technique to treat defects located in different situations. The study was based on consultations with a range of practitioners from Scottish road authorities involved in repairing potholes. A procedure utilizing flowcharts has been developed to select the most appropriate option and it is intended that through the adoption of a consistent approach, savings in the cost of pothole repairs will follow.