Full Details - The Future of Bitumen
Date Tuesday 16 February 2016
Title The Future of Bitumen
Speaker Prof. John Read (Shell Bitumen)
Join Meeting with Irish Branch
Venue Carrickdale Hotel
Location Co Louth
Time 13:30
Contact Lyle Andrew (lyle.andrew@btinternet.com)
Register Registrations are now closed for this event.
More details Is the future looking black for bitumen? Are we about to fall off the 'bitumen cliff' or does bitumen have a more strategic role to play in meeting the worlds future needs and energy demands?

Bitumen supply and availability is the subject of many a discussion, Professor John Read, General Manager Technology within Shell Specialities, looks to answer many of the question marks that hang over the industry. Drawing on over 30 years of experience John will provide the history and evolution of bitumen and the bitumen marketplace from both a local and global perspective; sharing his knowledge as to how the market is likely to evolve and expected changes anticipated for bitumen and the impact this will have on the industry and ultimately UK specification.

This talk has been presented at many other branches throughout the UK and has been very well received with feedback for both the presentation and speaker being higher than 9 out of 10 on each occasion.